NAME: Conflict
GENDER: Male (He/him)
AGE: 24
NATIONALITY: N/A, Asian-coded
DATE OF CREATION: September 16th, Year Unknown
A Hologram who served under [REDACTED] for an unspecified amount of time. Considered a 'black sheep' among his peers for a reason he wasn't told (nor could he figure out) despite having the same undying loyalty as everyone else, Conflict always wanted to be more than what he was made for but kept it all to himself after being told off for having such thoughts.
His betrayal was not an impulsive choice, rather, it bubbled up in him for many, many months, realizing the way things functioned were not only dysfunctional, but their goals were corrupt and harmful; and so, during the night, Conflict broke out of the facility, but was not undetected, sparking an uproar of massive proportions and multiple escapees following him, though they could not catch up to Conflict, who ran off much farther than everyone else.
With everyone in the city on high alert, Conflict is considered public enemy #1 for his development of autonomy and, before meeting Hyeonju, wandered the outskirts of the city alone, hoping that one day there could be justice for himself.
Conflict is very quiet; not introverted, but quiet out of habit. Being very used to others having control over him, he can be quite standoffish and even defensive when being talked to in authoratative or even slightly wrong tones, but does not ever mean anything truly bad. He has a really hard time easing up and tends to take things very literally, though he's often embarrassed when he realizes he's taken something the wrong way. He's impulsively very hypervigilant and sensitive to seeing injustice, being quick to jump into action even if whats presented to him most likely won't go in his favor.
Additional Information
Sexuality: Undisclosed
Height: 5'9"
Alignment: Chaotic Good