- My Rhythm Game Stats -
Well, I guess just my pump stats. lol

< Current Pumbility 35k/Bronze. Top 5 contributors.
I am currently Advanced Lv3, Highest singles clear is s21, highest in doubles is d21.
My favourite songs are any of the ones you've seen on the Cross page. Outside of those I'd say most BanYa songs (LIADZ Series and Maria, mainly).
I have a preference for gimmick, twist and bracket. Some of my favourite charts include Shub Niggurath s19 (pre-PHX), Showdown s20, Uh-Heung s20, Chaos Again s21, Queencard d20 and Gargoyle d20, but I like many other charts as well.
I also occasionally post videos of me playing pump to yt. Check it out over here :]
- My UCS/Simfiles -
Coming soon!