NAME: Hyeon-ju Min / CROSS+OVER
GENDER: Male (He/him)
AGE: 22
BIRTHDATE: May 29th, 19XX
A young, introverted Pump It Up player from South Korea. Constantly busy with schoolwork and a job to assist his parents with living expenses, Hyeonju had little time for anything outside of hard work with the fast-paced city that is Seoul, all except for using what he does have on Pump sessions, even if he can't excel in the game due to his lack of active playing. Over time, there was a gradual change in his feelings towards the game, not his opinion, but rather a feeling on the inside. Perhaps he had lost his mind from working so much, but he could swear something was talking to him every time he went to his preferred arcade, as if someone was calling out to him...
One fateful late-night play session, an empty arcade with just him and the machine; there was a flash, then nothing.
...Until he woke up somewhere entirely different, unlike any place he's ever seen on Earth, yet radiating the same "energy" as Earth does.
Despite playing a game that would encourage social interaction, Hyeonju is pretty quiet and prefers to keep to himself, though he enjoys small talk about Pump when prompted. Putting all his effort into everything but himself, he tends to forget about his health and safety until it may be too late and ends up quite tired a lot of the time. Ever since getting swept up into the world of Pump, he's felt a stronger sense of justice than ever before, though where it comes from is unknown, as he does not consider himself to be "heroic" at all. He's not one to commit to ideas in a "spur of the moment" kind of way, preferring to think things through, but is also easily caught up in more impulsive ideas from others around him instead of pushing back.
Being in a world inhabited by everything except humans, Hyeonju does feel quite unsettled by it all, like it isn't real; but of course it is. Even around his cohorts (Those being Conflict and Kimchi), he feels somewhat awkward around them due to him being human, especially because he knew all these people as just... Music. He may have some preconcieved ideas about the people of this world because of that, but he really does try to be respectful about it all.
His Pump stats before entering the world: Advanced 2, S21/D20.
Additional Information
Sexuality: (Closeted) Bisexual/Biromantic
Height: 5'7"
Alignment: Neutral Good