NAME: Kimchi Fingers
GENDER: Female (MTF, She/her)
AGE: 325
BIRTHDATE: True birthdate unknown, Appeared in Heaven on January 7th, Year Unknown.
A Guardian Angel from the Republic of Heaven. She has been living in Heaven for a few hundred years and is a disciple of the current Monarch of Heaven, who favors Kimchi for a reason she doesn't know. As with all Angels, she was conscripted to train to be a Guardian, though she struggles with the strict training and prefers hanging out with her friends, cooking or reading. Before appearing in Heaven, Kimchi's previous life is shrouded in mystery, even to herself; she does not remember where she came from, but she was not present on Miro before this time.
Being alerted to the presence of a human amidst the chaos happening on Miro, The Monarch sent Kimchi down to Miro as an answer to the human's prayer, even though Kimchi doubts her ability to protect him with her lack of skills and size disadvantage, though The Monarch insists that Kimchi is the only one who could fulfill this important duty.
Kimchi, blissfully unaware of the growing horrors happening on Miro, realizes things are much, much worse than she was told, having to buckle down and do her absolute best to protect Hyeonju while navigating the messy, chaotic city and being introduced to the new, unnatural species that suddenly began inhabiting it.
Kimchi is very kind and generous, if not a little bit sheltered, a bit childish and unaware of the evils of the world outside of Heaven, but she always means well and tries her best to help others with their problems. She believes that everyone has the ability to do good and change for the better even if they've harmed others or have otherwise done something bad, as she never wants to put others down or wrongly prosecute them without knowing what's really going on inside.
She always tries to see the bright side of situations, often trying to lighten the mood with a silly joke or extending her help whenever needed and is very insistent, even if the other person says they do not need it. She's not completely gullible, but doesn't have a good sense of suspicion for shady people if they aren't outright harming anyone and is pretty easily persuaded into certain things out of kindness if she's left to make a decision on her own.
Additional Information
Sexuality: Asexual Lesbian/Homoromantic
Height: 4'1"
Alignment: Neutral Good